Nothing is True
Everything is Permitted

How I Check TwitCast for Casts and Profiles That I

How I Check TwitCast for Casts and Profiles That I May Like

While the app and website have many categories and tags that make it easier to find what one is interested about, I like to take things to the maximum and use my programming skills to make searches broader and convenient.

Every X minutes, my device searches for words like "English" and "Mahjong". If there is a new matching profile or cast, it saves a title, a link, a image and a description of it. Then it deletes any "entry" that has words that I don't care about, like "soccer". Entries may come to my attention when I stop to look up what is new on my private timeline, or they may trigger an alert notification if they match high priority words like "happening".

This doesn't fully substitute visiting the site, but helps a lot by letting me finds casts that I would otherwise miss. Example: it has found me the cast of a English speaking cosplayer that wasn't in the category EnglishOK. I had a nice colab thanks to that.
