EVENT あなたの歌声を聴かせて🎤ゲスト審査員:七海うららさん 【歌い手フェス】6/23まで応募受付中! EVENT 本日 22:30時〜👻🎬REC/レック 放送
Reading Place
VOA Learning English、VOA Editorialsなどの記事を音読(オーバーラッピング)しています。

be better off

be better off

*to have more money than you had in the past or more money than most other people:
Obviously we're better off now that we're both working.
When his parents died, he found himself $100,000 better off (= he had $100,000 more than before).

*to be in a better situation, if or after something happens:
He'd be better off working for a bigger company.
© Cambridge University Press 2020
