INFO 【第22回金のお茶爆 決勝戦ルーレット】結果 🍵

BROADCASTING BYTES: ‘10 Ways to Build a Bigger Aud

BROADCASTING BYTES: ‘10 Ways to Build a Bigger Audience’

WHY TwitCasting is the best for building and connecting with your audience -- and how to do it!
Connecting with your friends, fans and followers is SO easy with TwitCasting! There are a LOT of ways to make new friends and add fans and followers.
If you want a bigger audience, try these!

Put your personality on your homepage - add a banner, choose a title, talk about yourself!  Go to 'Account Menu' and scroll down to 'Design Settings'
More info:
Use your Community Wall - announce your lives, message your fans - they will see it even if you’re offline! More info:
Promote your broadcasts on Twitter and Facebook - ask your friends and followers to share those posts with their fans!  
Got a website?  Embed your live stream there, so you reach more people!
More info:
Collabo feature:  Make them feel special, invite your viewers to share the screen with you!
How to Collabo:
RADIO LIVE: Mix it up in your broadcasts!  Surprise your audience with an audio-only, RADIO LIVE, can they guess where you’re broadcasting from? More info:
Be your own hype man & announce your broadcasts an hour-a day-a week ahead!
Add an eye-catching pic to that announcement so that more followers & friends notice.  
Put your own words & personality into your promo tweets or posts!
Offline promotion helps too!  Tell your friends, invite them to check it out!

